Blogging Resolutions


I am not that type of people that believes in the importance of the New Year’s resolutions. I never tend to write any resolutions or live by them. I prefer living every day as it’s the last day and never postpone something I want to do for tomorrow, since I prefer doing it today.

Thus said you might be confused by the title of this post “Blogging Resolutions”, but don’t be. This year I have decided that I haven’t been giving my beloved blog enough time, so I decided to make a list of things I would like to stick to or accomplish in the upcoming year. Certainly I was inspired by Aline’s from Nouchaline resolution post, and I may or may not copy some of her mentions.

With no further due, here are my Blog’s resolutions:

1. Stick to a blogging routine. I mean it not in a bad way, but I should stick to the projects I start for the blog and not forget them after a couple of months. ( #MMM yes, I am talking about you).

2. Planning the posts in advance. I have been blogging for more than a year now, and I still post day by day, which is something I would love to change. Since a little of organization would bring better and more regular posts.

3. Bring my photos to the next Level. that means no more iPhone pictures. Although I have started in the last months to publish only good photos, I still fall sometimes for using the iPhone, just for the convenience of it.

4. More Beauty. As a beauty junkie, I should start posting reviews, which are more accurate and helpful for the readers and not just mention them quickly in a general post.

5. Finally doing the 30X30 challenge. I have been planning for the challenge for a year now, since starting the blog last August, but never actually doing it. Maybe it’s because I am afraid, or maybe out of laziness, but I am finally doing it this month, so stay tuned .

6. Trying to get closer to the Lebanese readers and the market. Although I am a Lebanese blogger most of my readers and followers are all foreigners, but I am not complaining, since I don’t really like the state of the Lebanese community nowadays.  Thus said, I still want to try and reach out to the Lebanese readers and maybe change the state of the blogging community as it is now.

7. Youtube. I have to finally publish the youtube videos that I have recorded 6 months ago, and start my youtube channel that I have created. I don’t really know what is hindering me from starting the Vlog channel, maybe my insecurity for public speech, but we’ll see. So, videos are coming up soon.

8. Branding my Blog. I have made  the first step towards the branding, that is getting the domain name, and now it is time for the Logo and the general look of the Blog.

Thank you for sticking with me throughout the year, and I promise the Best is yet to come.

Wishing you an amazing New Year’s Eve celebration and the best “2014” year full of new adventures and accomplishes.

9 thoughts on “Blogging Resolutions

  1. Pingback: Welcome 2015 | playing with fashion

  2. I totally understand what you mean about those blogging resolutions. I can’t say it’s an easy task to follow those resolutions. But I’ve felt like this as well and wished to do more, It’s a day by day thing. Blogging isn’t always simple but it’s better once you know what you like to do, show, say and reveal. I like your blog for the creative parts. So keep up with what your doing it’s great and Have Happy New Year/2014!

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